구글, 2분기 실적 예상치 하회... 광고 수익은 예상치 상회

Alphabet reported second-quarter revenue of $69.69bn, 13% higher than same period a year ago. Analysts had expected a much lower figure, as ad buyers have been spending less on marketing. Shares in the company were up 3% after hours, a sign it may be able to weather industry slowdown.

Google earnings signal company weathering slowdown better than expected


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메타 스레드, 월 사용자 1억 5천만 명 돌파

Meta's Threads app now has more than 150 million monthly users, an increase of about 20 million new users since February.

테슬라 4680 배터리, 연말 공급업체 대비 가격 우위 기대

Tesla has faced difficulties in ramping up production of its new 4680 battery cell format, which was unveiled in 2020.

미국의 강제 매각에 이은 유럽의 보상 서비스 그지 결정... 틱톡 '진퇴양난'

TikTok Lite will stop offering daily video watch rewards in some European countries following an investigation by European regulators. TikTok Lite, a lightweight version of TikTok designed to be easier to use on slow internet connections, launched in France and Spain a few weeks ago.

구글, 크롬 브라우저의 써드파티 쿠키 폐지 또다시 연기

Google has announced another delay in phasing out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser.