메타, 2023년까지 페이스북과 인스타그램 암호화 계획 연기

Meta announced that messaging encryption on apps would come in 2023 as it means only the sender and receiver can read messages, but law enforcement or Meta cannot. The National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children claims private messaging is the front line of child sexual abuse.

Facebook and Instagram encryption plans delayed by Meta until 2023


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구글, 크롬 브라우저의 써드파티 쿠키 폐지 또다시 연기

Google has announced another delay in phasing out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser.

메타, 1분기 실적 발표 '실망'... 시간외 주가는 10%↓

Meta's stock price plunged after the company reported lower-than-expected growth in its first quarter earnings. The results fell short of Wall Street's high expectations. Meta earned $4.71 per share on revenue of $36.5 billion in the first quarter. However, this was below investors' expectations, especially the revenue outlook, which was below the consensus of $38.3 billion.

테슬라, 전기차 판매 부진으로 이익 55% 하락

Tesla on Thursday reported a 55% drop in first-quarter profits due to a pressured electric vehicle market environment. It's a dull result for the company, which had posted rapid growth throughout much of 2022 and 2023.

모질라, 왓츠앱에 선거 사전 가짜뉴스 방지 촉구

In 2024, nearly 4 billion people, or half the world's population, will vote in 64 countries around the world. This includes major democracies like the United States and India.