인텔과 윈도우 11, 애플의 M1 칩과 경쟁할 수 있을까?

Intel and Microsoft are working together to give new mobile PCs an unprecedented leap in both battery savings and horsepower. The new 12th-generation Core architecture is radically different than its predecessors, with great potential for performance enhancements and battery life improvements. The two companies' hotly competitive battle with Apple for control of the desktop has taken on a new urgency since the work-from-home wave.

Who's got the most efficient laptops now? New Windows PCs up the ante vs. Apple


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'AI 인덱스 2024' 보고서 주요 내용 요약

The 2023 AI Index Report covers the rise of multimodal foundation models, significant investments in generative AI, new performance benchmarks, shifting global opinions, and the introduction of major regulations.

머스크, "X(구 트위터) 새 사용자에게 연간 수수료 부과"

Elon Musk has announced that new users of X, formerly known as Twitter, will now have to pay a small annual fee to tweet.

인공지능 투자, 두 가지 양상으로 나타나

According to a recent report from Stanford's Human Centered Artificial Intelligence Institute (HAI), AI investments have declined for the second year in a row.

홍콩, 비트코인 및 이더리움 현물 ETF 승인

After falling by almost 10% over the weekend amid Israel-Iran tension, market chaos, and persistent inflation, Bitcoin reb