터키, 중앙은행 디지털화폐(CBDC) 테스트 성공적 완료

The Central Bank of Turkey has conducted the first tests of its Turkish digital lira. The bank successfully carried out the first payment transactions on its central bank digital currency network. The CBRT will conduct pilot tests in 2023 with banks and financial technology companies, the bank said.

Turkish Central Bank Runs First CBDC Tests


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"학생 논문 11%가 작성 위해 AI 이용"

Millions of students are using generative AI to write papers as the popularity of AI chatbots like ChatGPT soars.

유럽에 타사 아이폰 앱 스토어 'AltStore PAL' 정식 출시

AltStore PAL, a recently beta-tested third-party iOS app store, has officially launched in European Union (EU) countries. This was made possible by Apple's compliance with the region's Digital Markets Act (DMA), which still requires an annual subscription fee of €1.5 (plus VAT) to cover Apple's Core Technology License Fee (CTF) for the app market installation itself.

보스턴다이내믹스, 전기 구동 휴머노이드 '뉴 아틀라스' 공개

Boston Dynamics has unveiled its new all-electric humanoid robot called 'New Atlas'. This robot is claimed to be stronger and more agile than the previous hydraulic-powered Atlas, and it has a more human-like appearance.

러시아도 '틱톡' 금지... "러시아 미디어 플랫폼으로 유도..."

Russian President Vladimir Putin is reportedly set to ban the social media app TikTok in a bid to promote Russian state media. Roskomnadzor, Russia's telecommunications, information technology, and media regulator, made the announcement in an effort to drive Russians to domestic media platforms rather than foreign media platforms like TikTok.