인스타그램 릴스 새로운 인사이트 제공, 틱톡 따라잡을 수 있을까?

New Instagram Insights make its TikTok competitor Reels more appealing

Instagram has added a slew of features to help independent creators make a living, including Insights for Reels and Live on its Professional Dashboard, giving businesses and creators essential data about the reach of their content. These tools will help Reels catch up with its competitor TikTok, which already offers users detailed analytics.

Analysis: How the Mobile World Congress hopes to reboot conferences post COVID

Next month’s Mobile World Congress is shaping up as an early test of how quickly the global business events industry will bounce back from the pandemic, with a range of hi-tech solutions being rolled out to try to keep visitors safe. There will be regular rapid COVID-19 tests, a digital badge that will give access to the venue, and a contact-tracing app if there are any infections.

Elon Musk and Bitcoin miners say they want to address crypto’s sustainability problem

After a weekend meeting with Tesla CEO Elon Musk and “leading Bitcoin miners in North America,” the group has agreed to form a Bitcoin Mining Council, “to promote energy usage transparency [and] accelerate sustainability initiatives worldwide” The group included representatives from Argo Blockchain, Blockcap, Core Scientific, Galaxy Digital, Hive Blockchain Technologies, and Marathon Digital Holdings, and Riot Blockchain Technologies.



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애플, 중국 압력에 굴복… '왓츠앱'과 '스레드' 앱스토어 삭제

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported today that Apple has bowed to pressure from the Chinese government and removed WhatsApp and Threads from its Chinese app store.

구글, 안드로이드와 하드웨어 팀 통합… AI 혁신 가속화

Google announced today that it is combining its Android and hardware teams to form the Platforms and Devices division. The...

테슬라, 일론 머스크에 560억 달러 보상 패키지 재승인 추진

Tesla has revealed plans to reinstate a $56 billion compensation package for Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk. It's the largest compensation package in the company's history, and was dismissed by a U.S. judge in January.

보스턴 다이내믹스, 전기 구동 휴머노이드 ‘아틀라스’ 출시

A day after announcing the discontinuation of its articulated hydraulic Atlas robot, robotic manufacturer Boston Dynamics, part of Hyundai Motor Company, has unveiled an all-electric model.