인스타그램, 인플루언서에게 추가 수입 지급 기능 개발중

Facebook offers 'extra cash' for creators who stream more

Instagram is working on new tools to help its creators earn more money from the platform, introducing new features that will help influencers to earn “extra cash” for meeting specific goals. With the new program influencers can earn additional payouts “for hitting certain milestones”

10 Hot Identity And Access Management Products You Need To Know About

The vision for identity and access management had always been remote-work-centric, but the market has begun embracing this long term. The identity andaccess management market supports more diversity in user authentication models and flows and can also manage basic access to IoT devices, contextual and comprehensive adaptive access, mobile computing and API target services.

Microsoft Outlook on iOS adds voice dictation for emails, search and calendar invites

Since 2019, Microsoft's Cortana personal assistant has allowed you to listen to emails that land in your Outlook mobile inbox, and can use your voice to dictate emails, schedule meetings and conduct searches. The announcement aligns with Microsoft's push to reframe Cortana as a productivity assistant instead of a competitor.

The six-year-old iPhone 6S will get iOS 15, and that rules

The iPhone 6S will turn six years old this September, and will be eligible for the iOS 15 upgrade when it arrives for the public this fall. This puts the 6S in the running for the longest supported phone to date, but there are a lot of new features that won't work with 6S's processor.



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관련 기사

모질라, 왓츠앱에 선거 사전 가짜뉴스 방지 촉구

In 2024, nearly 4 billion people, or half the world's population, will vote in 64 countries around the world. This includes major democracies like the United States and India.

EU, 애플의 NFC 개방 계획 승인 예정

the European Commission is poised to greenlight Apple's previously announced policy changes regarding access to the NFC chip on the iPhone, aimed at fostering competition in the contactless payments market.

IBM, 인프라 관리 툴 선두주자 해시코프 인수 추진

IBM, the global cloud and mainframe company, has agreed to acquire infrastructure management tools provider HashiCorp.

메타, 한정판 헤드셋으로 '퀘스트' 생태계 확장

Meta has announced partnerships with several manufacturers, including Microsoft, Asus ROG, and Lenovo, to bring a variety of limited-edition mixed reality headsets to market.