제프 베조스, 블루오리진 타고 우주 간다

Jeff Bezos and his brother will fly on Blue Origin's first tourist flight

Jeff Bezos and Mark Bezos will be passengers on Blue Origin's first suborbital tourist flight next month. The flight will take six passengers 62 miles above the surface of the Earth, with the highest bid at $2.8 million. The bidding is set to conclude with a live auction on June 12th.

Apple adds virtual IDs on iPhone, video plans that rival Zoom, Teams

Apple outlined plans to increase user privacy and keep consumer data out of other companies' hands, laying out features including expanded video conferencing and storing virtual government IDs on iPhones, allowing users to safeguard data, trusting the Apple brand. Apple also introduced what it calls in-app events to host live events within apps and have those events featured in real time in the App Store.


Before lifted its mask mandate, a lot of people were worried they'd get sick on vacation. But the park is ditching safety measures anyway.

Disney has removed some of its pandemic safety measures from its US theme parks as more Americans become vaccinated, but people who participated in an Insider poll said they still had concerns about contracting COVID-19 at Disney theme parks. The survey was done through SurveyMonkey among 1,086 respondents, with a 3% margin of error.


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