Apple WWDC 2021 : 포커스 진단


Apple WWDC 2021 : What to expect

WWDC will begin on June 7th with a keynote where Tim Cook and the rest of Apple’s execs will walk us through some of the biggest changes going into iOS, iPadOS, and more. These addresses typically last a shade over two hours, so be sure to block out plenty of time. While WWDC is technically free to attend, it's only open to registered developers who have paid out the $100/year fee.

Climate tech is about to fly commercial

Hiring private contractors to sample greenhouse gases from the air is an important aspect of NOAA’s climate research, with the tools would measure concentrations of planet-heating pollution in the air, helping federal scientists get even more information about how we’re changing the climate.

Aurora brings in outsiders to boost safety efforts, public trust of driverless vehicles

Aurora, the autonomous vehicle company that acquired Uber ATG last year, has assembled a team of outside experts, shared new details about its operations in a self-assessment safety report and launched a website as part of a broader effort to win over consumers wary of the technology that they may someday share the road with.

Drivers in the US and UK have very different strategies for pressuring Uber

Uber recognized a union of its own drivers in the UK, but drivers will not be automatically enrolled in the union, and Uber will not engage in collective bargaining over earnings, but the union will negotiate for holiday pay, pensions and a minimum wage. The recent move will give more strength to the global movement to organize so-called gig workers, as companies like Uber and Deliveroo face growing pressure from regulators.


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