테슬라 일론 머스크, 비트코인 결제허용 돌연 중단

Elon Musk, Technoking of Tesla orders a halt to bitcoin car payments

Tesla CEO and self-dubbed technoking Zach Kirkhorn is back peddling on the company’s stance about bitcoin and has suspended purchases of its electric vehicles with the cryptocurrency. The change of stance comes just weeks after Tesla CFO and dubbed “master of coin” Zach Kirk horn said the company believes in the longevity of bitcoin, despite its volatility.

Samsung won’t attend MWC in Barcelona this summer

Samsung and Lenovo will not be attending Mobile World Congress this year. Both companies have announced that they will not attend in person. The companies have not yet announced what their remote presence would look like. The event will still be held in June despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and difficulties with vaccine availability outside the U.S.

Meet the real Alexa: voice actor reportedly responsible for Amazon’s AI assistant revealed

Amazon's Alexa has a voice familiar to millions, calm, warm, and measured, but like most synthetic speech, its tones have a human origin, someone whose voice had to be recorded, analyzed, and algorithmically reproduced to create Alexa as we know it now.

Journalist Brad Stone says Nina Rolle is the original voice of Alexa (Image=Nina Rolle)
Journalist Brad Stone says Nina Rolle is the original voice of Alexa (Image=Nina Rolle)



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애플, 앱 스토어 부정 거래 18억 달러 차단

In total, Apple blocked more than $7 billion in fraudulent transactions from 2020 to 2023, the company said in a press release on Tuesday.

구글 I/O 2024, AI로 무장한 차세대 서비스 공개

Key Announcements from Google I/O 2024: Gemini and AI Tools Dominate the Future of Digital Life

MIT 졸업 형제, 암호화폐 2천5백만 달러 도난 혐의로 체포... 단 12초 만에 2500만 달러 탈취

Two brothers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have been arrested for allegedly using cutting-edge technology to exploit a security hole in the Ethereum blockchain to steal $25 million worth of cryptocurrency.