소셜 미디어 금지가 트럼프에게 어떤 결과를 가져왔을까?

For an entire year, Donald Trump has been banned from mainstream social-media outlets. For the tech companies and the former president, there have been benefits. From the business side, Facebook , Instagram, Twitter and YouTube have all been able to say they took action against one of the most powerful voices on their platforms—after years of criticism that they failed to aggressively apply their rules to their highest-profile users.

How the Trump Social-Media Ban Paid Off for Trump, Platforms


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The UK government has announced that it is opening an office in San Francisco to address safety concerns about artificial intelligence technology.

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Jeff Bezos' spaceflight company Blue Origin is back in the space tourism business after a nearly two-year hiatus from manned spaceflight. On May 20 (local time), Blue Origin announced that it successfully lifted off from the company's Launch Site One in West Texas, carrying six paying customers to and from the boundaries of space.

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Apple is falling behind in the artificial intelligence race and needs to change its strategy to regain the lead, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.

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Elon Musk launched Starlink satellite internet service in Bali, Indonesia, on May 19 (local time). The opening ceremony in Denpasar, the capital of Indonesia's Bali province, was attended by Elon Musk, owner of U.S. space company SpaceX, and Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadiqin, according to Reuters.