이더리움, 친환경적 PoS 방식으로 개편 예정

The world's largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum, is set to get a major overhaul soon. The merge will replace the current model of mining with proof-of-stake. It'll be a major engineering feat but could make the world's second-largest currency greener.

Ethereum is about to get a huge facelift that could help fix crypto's climate problems — but spell the end of ether mining


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Chinese social media company TikTok has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government to block a law that would prevent it from using its app without selling a subsidiary. In its lawsuit, TikTok claims the ban is a “severe infringement on the free speech rights of the company and its 170 million U.S. users.”

테슬라, 완전 자율 주행 기술 상용화 앞당길까? 중국에서 로보택시 시험 운행 계획

U.S. electric car maker Tesla is moving forward with plans to test fully self-driving (FSD) vehicles in China by operating them as “robotaxis”.

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he Met Gala, which began in 1948 to raise money for the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute and to celebrate the opening of its annual exhibitions, is the “Super Bowl of fashion,” with celebrity attendance.

애플의 인공지능... "더 나은 시리가 온다"

Since the emergence of ChatGPT in 2022, competition in the field of artificial intelligence has been intensifying. Apple is no exception, and in recent months, there have been numerous reports that the company is actively investing in developing its own AI technology.