3조 달러 '애플'이 주는 의미

Apple's stock is worth $2.93 trillion, a record that no company has ever reached before. The milestone is a useful moment to dig into the identity of Apple and the rest of America's technology titans. With clever tweaks and desirable new products, Apple has extended the life of its iPhone empire.

The Meaning of Apple at $3 Trillion


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관련 기사

아마존, 새로운 알렉사 개발 지연으로 인해 AI 시장 지배 기회 놓칠까?

Amazon's once-leading Alexa in the voice assistant market is reportedly struggling with the adoption of new artificial intelligence technologies.

애플 주가는 고공행진... 임금은 차별행진? 저임금 혐의로 소송

Two female employees have filed a class-action lawsuit against Apple, alleging that the company systematically paid them lower wages than male counterparts.

AWS, AI 스타트업에 23억 달러 투자... GenAI 혁신 촉진

Amazon Web Services (AWS), the world's largest cloud provider, has committed $2.3 billion to AI startups to advance generative AI applications.

OpenAI, 전 NSA 국장 폴 나카소네 이사회에 영입

On the 13th (local time), OpenAI announced that it is adding former NSA chief Gen. Paul Nakasone to its board of directors and its newly formed Safety and Security Committee.