소니, 아이트래킹 업체 토비와 협상 진행중

While a few VR headset companies like Varjo and XTAL use in-house eye tracking technology, all others so far use Tobii’s technology, Sony announced that “negotiations are ongoing” between Tobii and Sony to become the eye tracking supplier for PSVR2.

Tobii ‘In Negotiation’ To Supply PlayStation VR2’s Eye Tracking Tech


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일론 머스크, "버핏, 테슬라 주식 사야"

Tesla CEO Elon Musk spoke at Berkshire Hathaway's (BRKB) annual shareholder meeting over the weekend. After “The Oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffett spoke about Tesla's development of self-driving cars (FSD), he suggested that Buffett invest in the electric car giant. The comments sent Tesla's stock higher on Saturday (local time).

구글, 사이트 평판 '어뷰징' 업데이트 시행… 피기백킹 전략 위험해져

Google officially announced today that it has rolled out an update to Site Reputation Abuse. The update removed a number of web pages that could be perceived as hosting third-party content to boost a website's search rankings.

마이크로소프트, 구글과 OpenAI에 맞서 자체 대규모 인공지능 모델 개발

Microsoft is developing its own large-scale artificial intelligence model to compete with Google and OpenAI, according to U.S. business publication The Information.

유튜브, 일시 정지 화면 광고 도입…스마트 TV부터 시작

YouTube is introducing pause screen ads, which will show ads even when viewers pause video playback. This will start with smart TVs. Google recently revealed the success of its pilot program for paused screen ads during the Alphabet earnings call. The program was run on connected TVs and showed positive results.