테라폼랩스 법무팀, UST 붕괴 후 회사 떠나

The ongoing saga with Terraform Labs, the blockchain developer behind Terra (LUNA), took a turn following a supposed change in employment status for many on the firm’s legal team.
According to their LinkedIn profiles, Terraform Labs general counsel Marc Goldich, chief litigation and regulatory counsel Noah Axler and chief corporate counsel Lawrence Florio have all stopped working for the blockchain firm as of May 2022. Goldich started at Terraform Labs in August 2021 while Axler and Florio joined in January 2022.
The change in employment status for three members of Terraform Labs’ legal team followed major volatility in the crypto market after the price of LUNA collapsed to $0.00 within two weeks.

Terraform Labs’ legal team resigns after UST collapse


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